This way, same-sex and interracial marriages are allowed under the Divines. When two mortals, regardless of their race or gender, are married, it is their souls, not their bodies, that are united. Temples to the Eight and Nine Divines hold that Mother Mara loves all her children regardless of form. The Redguard High King Ar-Azal was polygamous, and married several people in an attempt to secure peace between Crowns and Forebears. Imperial and Breton nobles are usually married between both close and distant noble families to sealed political alliances. Reasons for marriage may differ among the different cultures. Lowborns usually marry for love, while nobles will be more likely to take part in an arranged marriage to strengthen relationships between royal or noble houses. Ayleid clans who did not turn to Daedra worship, Falmer (before their corruption), and Kothringi all worshipped Mara too, before their societies disappeared from Tamriel.

Because of this, the Pledge of Mara is the most common form of union. Priests of Mara (or her Redguard counterpart, Morwha, under Crown form) officiate weddings all across Tamriel. Mara is worshipped as the Goddess of Love and the patron of marriages by Altmer, Bosmer, Bretons, Imperials, Khajiit and Nords.